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7.2 / 10

Lessebo is a locality and the seat of Lessebo Municipality, Kronoberg County, Sweden with 2,737 inhabitants in 2010. The Lessebo community formed gradually around the paper and iron works that was founded in 1660. Today Vida Paper AB runs the pulp and paper mill as well as The Lessebo Hand Paper Mill which is one of very few commercially run European hand paper mills still existing. Läs mer

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Popularitet för Lessebo

Lessebo Sociala-Medier-popularitet:
7.2 / 10
  Utgångspunkten för detta värde är antalet besökare, checkins, och likes på Facebook under de senaste månaderna.
Mest aktivitet i maj:
Mest aktivitet på kvällen:
Lessebo har totalt 11054 besökare (checkins) och 966 likes.