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Nordic Light Hotel

“CITYLICIOUS FOOD & HARD-KNOCKED DRINKS” The Crooked Leg is a restaurant and bar project started by a group of great old friends. We focus on what we serve, how we serve it and the people who serve it. No corporate ideas, no soulless design, just a bunch of devoted people with a heart for music, truffle, booze & hard work. WHAT'S UP WITH THE BULLDOG? That's Thelma, our dog and inspiration for this whole project. We couldn't think of a better symbol than a limping, loving, trustful packet of muscles that loves food, a lot of food. This is our tribute. Welcome to the TCL Family 2014. Uppdatera beskrivning
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Nordic Light Hotel Sociala-Medier-popularitet:
7 / 10
  Utgångspunkten för detta värde är antalet besökare, checkins, och likes på Facebook under de senaste månaderna.
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Nordic Light Hotel har totalt 39546 besökare (checkins) och 7666 likes.
20 recensioner av Nordic Light Hotel. Snittbetyg 4.5 av 5.